Liberty Township

  • Government/Municipalities
7802 Liberty Road North
Powell, OH 43065
(740) 938-2000
(740) 938-2001 (fax)
24/7 emergency operations and as needed for roads/parks. Offices open 8-5 with evening meetings.
  • About

    Serves as the government agency, dedicated to improving the quality of life for its 37,000+ residents

  • Whom to Contact

    • Ms. Cathy Buehrer
      HR Specialist
      Phone: (740) 938-2000
    • Bill Piwtorak
      Battalion Chief, EMS Coordinator
      Phone: (740) 938-2022
    • Jim Reardon
      Battalion Chief, Fire Department
      Phone: (740) 938-2021
  • Directions

    Liberty Township: souther delaware county from southern county line north, Dublin to Delaware, including Olentangy River and Greif Parkway, Columbus State College campus