Earn up to a 3% rebate* on your workers compensation premiums by joining Safety Council!
What is a Safety Council?
Each Ohio Safety Council has the same goal - to increase safety awareness. But developing and maintaining a safe workplace is no easy task. That is why it must be a combined effort of local businesses and the community.
BWC's Division of Safety & Hygiene sponsors 83 Safety Councils across the state which are organized through chambers of commerce, trade and manufacturing associations or other local safety-minded organizations. These Safety Councils provide their local communities with quality programs addressing occupational safety and health, workers’ compensation and risk management education and information. They inform participants about new techniques, products and services, and provide a thorough knowledge of these services.
The Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Safety Council program in the Delaware area.
Who can join?
The program is open to any Delaware County business regardless of chamber of commerce affiliation.
How can our business join?
Becoming a member is simple. Just complete the application form and mail, email, or fax it to the chamber.
Is there a fee to join?
There is a $5 per person, per meeting fee that includes coffee and pastry and may be paid at the door by cash or check. Safety Council members may also choose to prepay $60 per person for the entire fiscal year.
What is required by Safety Council members?
- Join or confirm your existing, active membership in the Delaware Area Safety Council by July 31.
- Attend 10 in-person safety council meetings between July 1 - June 30.
- At least eight, or all 10, through attendance at local safety council sponsored monthly meetings, seminars, or special events.
- You can earn external training credit for up to two meetings through attendance at BWC-sponsored in-person or virtual training courses or in-person safety training from other external sources (e.g. industry associations, third party administrators, etc.). It is the employer's responsibility to submit documentation to their safety council by June 30 for attendance at non-safety council safety training to qualify. Documentation must be an official certificate of attendance.
Additional safety council rebate eligibility guidelines:
- A person can represent only one policy number with their attendance at a safety council meeting or external training event.
- Safety council monthly meetings do not qualify for meeting credit for any employer not enrolled in that safety council.
- No matter the duration of the training, seminar, or conference, or how many employees participate, only one external training credit is earned per event.
- Safety training conducted at an employer's workplace does not qualify for safety council rebate program eligibility.
- Virtual/online training does not qualify for safety council rebate program eligibility except BWC virtual training classes.
When and where are the meetings held?
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:30 am at the Barn at Stratford, 2690 Stratford Rd, Delaware, OH 43015.